Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Jennifer's Hamburger Hashbrown Casserole

2 lbs hamburger
1-1/2 cups shredded cheese
2 cans mushroom soup
1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 brick cream cheese, cut into cubes and softened
1 package hashbrowns
Salt and pepper to taste

Brown hamburger.

Mix cheese, soup, milk, butter, cream cheese, salt and pepper together.  Add hashbrowns and hamburger and mix.  Spread in 9x13 greased pan.

Bake at 350 until heated through, about 1h15min.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Tried and true recipe links

Cook Superstore Fresh Pizza 
Bake at 450 for 6-8 minutes (directly on rack)

Hamburgers - https://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/classic-burger

How to bake potatoes in a slow cooker - https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/215314/slow-cooker-baked-potatoes/

Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole - https://writtenreality.com/chicken-cordon-bleu-casserole/?epik=dj0yJnU9d3Q3c2I3XzBuR3VybUNDenVSS003cUxxYUVjMHo2UTEmbj0tcHdKVnlQMTU5Rk1CYVNkajY4OU9nJm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRngtZ1h3 - SO GOOD

Sweet and sour chili ribs - one of my favorites - https://www.food.com/recipe/roasted-sweet-and-sour-chili-ribs-crock-pot-or-oven-203055

Cook bacon in the oven - 375 for 15 minutes, flip and cook and additional 5 minutes

Spinach balls - https://www.southyourmouth.com/2018/10/spinach-balls.html?m=1&epik=dj0yJnU9LVpaYW9LdTlCeU5meF9EaDFtUkZSYklzTVNib0thTHImbj1LQzJPVkpjc2pEZGRqai13REQtS0pBJm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjNfbGw4

Bacon cheeseburger pizza - https://www.food.com/amp/recipe/bacon-cheeseburger-pizza-205270?epik=dj0yJnU9ZnNnazVhWE9MdnpWWEgzRmFjZDFIZk9oTGU5TnVmQm0mbj1KU0xNTHFaazBkbVF1Rk51WkhLWGJnJm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRlVGZ3

Ham and cheese roll ups - http://www.thecomfortofcooking.com/2014/05/3-ingredient-baked-ham-and-cheese-rollups.html?epik=dj0yJnU9OXJpdkc3anBLOUlpdmYxLXJFSERHekJYVW1aZURJNFombj1mM3FpeDZhckg2bWJndmpOWTJINkN3Jm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRlUWg0

Fall off the bone ribs in 30 minutes - https://recipes.instantpot.com/recipe/instant-pot-ribs-fall-off-the-bone-in-30-minutes/?epik=dj0yJnU9QktfM0VCTXU5RnFZbXNsYkFBS1JzOU1FSFlPN2Q2XzEmbj1CeHdWNm1xWWJRUnhGQ2FvS3U2NzJnJm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRlUGVv

“Where’s the crust“ pizza (cheese crust) - https://www.plainchicken.com/2012/03/wheres-crust-pizza.html?m=1&epik=dj0yJnU9NnNQMVRlRzUtZ05CYnNkZy10dFY3V21uRlE4WlhMcGQmbj1ESWM2RUFoNk14MURTM3dUaEk5Q09nJm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRlVkg4

Garlic bread recipe (always double it) - https://foodmarriage.com/homemade-garlic-bread/?epik=dj0yJnU9ZDV6a2FyenNadUdPbEU0TVg1MlVGWWY0MldzaXk2YWMmbj01Y29JM0dNQ1BvejZaNUctUzBpb3lRJm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRlVnpJ

Easy crackslaw - https://www.tasteaholics.com/recipes/video/easy-crack-slaw-video/?epik=dj0yJnU9c0xVWURWdlRsTTJ6MWdrR2pmOHV2NXlqUDkzWTlKamYmbj15RHV1OWxwVVpaMlhtYWc1SlM0Q21nJm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRlY1dV

Chicken Alfredo Roll-ups - http://mmmcafe.blogspot.com/2012/01/chicken-alfredo-roll-ups.html?m=1&epik=dj0yJnU9OGhxRm81dkFWdG1lOVZIb09tRzdHSVRYQlhQZnU1cDUmbj0zbTB6RWJDQ2FDc3MxVU90R3ZYaGhRJm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRlZHhV

Creamy potato and hamburger soup - https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/creamy-potato-hamburger-soup/?epik=dj0yJnU9ay0yWEl2Z2VWTXg0NzV4SlJ0Ty1uM2toQWFOVW53UFEmbj1KN1ltTlo3NHVwdWtycnVVYmhvVktnJm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRqd3NF

4 ingredients chicken dump slow cooker - http://onlyslimrecipes.com/dump-4-ingredients-into-a-slow-cooker-end-result-is-a-hearty-tasty-chicken-and-stuffing/

Cheeseburger soup - https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/cheeseburger-soup/?_mid=2393670&_rid=2393670.986333.447975&pmcode=MTCB1VH129

Paula Deen’s Amazing Chicken Casserole - https://www.keyingredient.com/recipes/1456575032/paula-deens-amazing-chicken-casserole/AMP/

Cheesy chicken spaghetti casserole - https://www.plainchicken.com/2013/05/cheesy-chicken-spaghetti-casserole.html?m=1

Sweet and Sour Chili ribs - https://www.food.com/amp/recipe/really-easy-and-delicious-sweet-and-sour-chili-ribs-131004

Monster cookies - https://www.centercutcook.com/jumbo-monster-cookies/ I make them 1/8 cup each (1/4 divided by 2) and bake them for 4 minutes and 4 minutes.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

How to freeze lasagna

*TO FREEZE: Cover lasagna tightly with plastic wrap, then aluminum foil. Freeze up to 3 months. To bake, remove plastic wrap, cover and bake for 90 minutes. Uncover; bake for an additional 10-15 minutes, or until completely cooked through.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Karyn’s Banana Bread

1/2 cup margarine
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
3 ripe bananas, mashed
1 tsp baking soda
1-1/2 cups flour 

Mix margarine and sugar (I melt it if it isn’t soft enough to mix). Add eggs and bananas and mix until smooth. Add baking soda and flour. Mix until combined. Pour into greased loaf pan or lined muffin tin. Bake approx one hour for loaf, 40 minutes for muffins.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Amanda's Stuffing Casserole

1 - 12 oz pkg seasoned bread stuffing
2 tbsp melted margarine
2 cups chicken broth (divided)
3 cups chicken/turkey, chopped
1/2 cup celery
1/2 cup onions
1/4 cup minced chives
1/2 cup light mayo
3/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 can mushroom soup
1-1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

Mix stuffing, margarine and 1-1/4 cup chicken broth in a bowl.  Mix chicken, 3/4 cup chicken broth, celery, onions, chives, salt and mayo in a separate bowl.  Layer half of the stuffing, chicken mixture, then the rest of the stuffing in a 9x13 pan.

Whisk eggs, soup and milk together and pour over top.

Bake uncovered at 325 for 30 minutes.  Uncover, add cheese and bake for 10 more minutes.

Good for freezing.

Amanda's Sooo Goood Pudding Cream Cheese Filling

8 oz cream cheese - softened
1 cup heavy whipping cream - unwhipped
1 box instant pudding (4 serving size)
2-4 tbsp milk

Cream together the cream cheese and heavy whipping cream until smooth.  Add the dry pudding mix and beat until incorporated.  Add milk until you get the consistency that you need for spreading.